Photo by belchonock/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by belchonock/iStock / Getty Images


After years of avoiding butter due being brain-washed to use "healthier" alternatives. I've come back to  butter and learnt that, life is too short not to have a little butter in one’s life. All in moderation of course. 


So I may not be able to create art lately but I have been able to create food.

It’s been a long time since I've been able to experience the joy of cooking.

My last apartment in Melbourne had a broken stove and oven, and the stress of my last two years of uni was not helpful. During the last two years the easiest solution was to eat out or eat microwave meals. This did not have a good effect on my health, weight or well-being.

But now that I am living in Paris, in an apartment that has a decent although mildly small kitchen (big by Paris standards) I have no excuse not to cook. And with all the amazing and fresh produce here, not cooking is almost a crime.

Plus, with the low Aussie dollar cooking is the best way to save my money for life’s essentials like green tea macarons or you know… traveling and stuff.

I think also cooking in your new apartment makes it a home much faster.


As a young child I believed that to have a fulfilling life one must create to feed the soul. You may think it’s weird to believe this at such a young age but that’s just how I was, basically a mini philosopher.

This belief that creation feeds the soul is something that I continue to hold close to my heart. 

Creation can come in many, many forms. For some it might be writing or gardening. Some might sculpt or paint. And for others they might enjoy DIY projects or even putting together IKEA furniture.

For me it’s all of the above and much more. But the simplest and the best way I find creative fulfilment is with COOKING.

Sure it’s messy, sometimes time consuming and if not done right, can be a disaster.

But I when I put the effort in to cooking a meal for me or someone else, I slowly fill that soul up with pure satisfaction. It feels a little dicky saying that, but it’s true.

There’s something magical about making something. And the best thing about cooking is that it can be really quick and easy, so it’s almost like instant gratification that not only feeds the soul, but also feeds the body.

I also believe that sharing ones creations as well as enjoying others creations has the same affect.

For example, having a really good meal at a restaurant. Even the gathering of family, friends or even sometimes randoms to partake in the sharing of a meal (or any creations) is also a way to feel that warm gooey feeling.

So basically cooking for me is another way to make art.

And the best thing about it is that anyone can do it. Sure there are bad cooks but the thing about cooking and everything for that matter, if you want to be better, you can learn and all it takes in patience’s and time to be a good cook.


Anyway back to my happy return to the stove top.

I haven’t made any super exciting dishes yet but they have been good meals.

I started mainly cooking simple pasta dishes with sauces I made myself.

I’ve also cooked some amazing chicken and rice dishes with my own marinade concoctions which have been F’ing YUM!

I did however have to get a refresher cooking lesson from my friend on how to cook rice on the stove, as lazy Jarra has relied on electric rice cookers for the last 10 years. Seriously I love and miss my rice cooker.

I also learnt how to properly make scrambled eggs thanks to Jamie Oliver’s foodtube.

Basically I have been cooking them wrong this whole time. Firstly, I never realised you need to cook eggs on a low to medium heat and not high. Secondly no need to beat the eggs in a blow before hand or add cream or milk. And lastly keep clam and ADD BUTTER!
My scrambled eggs have suddenly become so amazing just from using butter. I also add Cayenne pepper and some chilli sauce for a bit of a kick

My scrambled eggs on bagel with cream cheese and salad.

My scrambled eggs on bagel with cream cheese and salad.

My hope for the future if I can budget better or win the lotto, is that I really want to take some French cooking classes here in Paris. I'd like to learn pastries.

Dad is also has been guilting me daily to learn a French dish. Which I'm thing I might do once a month or so and blog about it here.

Cooking has save my sanity in this time of creative block. And I am very grateful to my father for instilling a love and knowledge of good food and how to cook. 

Anyway that’s my ramblings for today. Sorry if it’s too long, boring and all over the place.

I actually re-read this post over and over and each time I find a spelling mistake or weird sentence. So please excuse any errors. 

I’m feel like my creative juices are slowly starting to come back to me by writing this blog so I'm definitely going to continue to write.

Plus there is something about the way my fingers bounce around the key board that I love. 

I just realised (slowly but surly) despite this being a squarespace template which has limits in customising (b.t.w. borderline frustratingly). The process of making this site and making it my own has actually been a creative exercise. And I think it's ignited a tiny (very tiny) creative spark, that I can hopefully nurture enough so it can grow in to a roaring fire.

Till next time…